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- Fri, Jun 12https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/drikawill

Artist. Disciple. Daughter of the King.
So glad that you’ve made it this far into my website. Seriously. Thank you! I guess I owe you some info about me now. I’ll try and keep it short.
I’m Drika Will, born as Rodrika Williams, hence the “drika” and “will”. Came straight out of my government name :)
I was born and raised in Broward County Florida, 954!
I remember growing up with this heart and passion and desire to just make music. Music and writing was literally an escape for me. Its like I’d go into another world and when I was there, I was my best self and I was whoever I wanted to be. I had super low self esteem and my life really felt meaningless. So in my free time I’d sing, I’d write, I’d create, I’d dance, I’d do something music related to just let it all go. Long story short, I graduated high school in 2013 and decided to put music down because I felt there was no use for it any more. I was no longer dancing in the marching band or singing on my high school choir with my friends. I thought at that point, I’d spend my life being a dreamer. I settled for what I thought my reality would be. I was a freshmen at my local community college and I had sunken to a place where I felt that my life was useless and aimless. I remember vividly wanting to search for something to fill this empty void in my life. Guys couldn’t fill it, friends couldn’t feel it, and music couldn’t fill it. Life was meaningless and I found myself feeling distant from this God that I never knew. In 2014 I found myself finding hope and freedom in Jesus Christ! And boy its been a journey. It’s funny how when you think it’s over God comes right in and saves the day. That day in march 2014 he literally became MY personal savior. He became MY Lord. MY Father. Jesus Christ has completely turned my life around.
I’m now no longer moving through life with this super hopelessness, low self esteem, and aimless pursuit. But I’m now finding myself free in Jesus name and living with intention and PURPOSE!
It’s obvious that I’ve picked back up on my musical roots and I’m out heeeere! God has given me a burden to reach the lost and shine His light. I’m also here to encourage others out there who are now walking the narrow path. I got some unpopular opinions attached to some biblical truths and I’m unapologetic.